S5 E10 Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July had humble beginnings in back in 2011 when Rebecca Prince-Ruiz had the idea of refusing to buy or accept single use plastics for the month of July, just to see if she could.  She asked people around her if they wanted to do it too and now it is a global movement withContinue reading “S5 E10 Plastic Free July”

S2E24 Regenerative Agriculture

In this episode we explore the emerging practice of regenerative agriculture, perhaps one of the best ways to drawdown carbon out of our atmosphere and help reduce the impacts of climate change. Under the leadership of Deane Belfield, the Mount Alexander Regenerative Agriculture Group has been running a program for local farmers to learn aboutContinue reading “S2E24 Regenerative Agriculture”

S2E23 Conscious Clothing

In this episode we speak with several clothing creators about how they do it ethically and with the planet in mind.  Ellen Doyle joins regular host Alison Hanly to discuss issues around fast fashion and the textiles industries.  We also have interviews with Linnet Good talks about upcycling, that is, how she makes beautiful clothingContinue reading “S2E23 Conscious Clothing”