S5 E22 The Housing Crisis – Creative Solutions

This is the final episode of the three about the housing crisis and what my local community is doing about it. In this episode we hear about some of the creative solutions including community groups building housing specific for their needs, Council utilising existing sites to build affordable housing, adjusting council laws to allow moreContinue reading “S5 E22 The Housing Crisis – Creative Solutions”

S5 E21 The Housing Crisis – Building Together

In this second episode about housing we hear from Andrea and Jen; two RMIT University researchers who have been looking at how people can build housing together to save money and get more of what they want out of their homes through a process called deliberative development. We also hear about three different deliberative developmentContinue reading “S5 E21 The Housing Crisis – Building Together”

S5 E20 The Housing Crisis – What’s the Problem?

How is the housing crisis linked to sustainability? In the next three episodes we will explore how housing is a key climate issue and we’ll look at how the housing crisis is impacting where I live, in regional Victoria. In this episode we will look at how the land lies, what is the problem? InContinue reading “S5 E20 The Housing Crisis – What’s the Problem?”

Update: April 2024

I know it has been a while since there was anything new on Saltgrass, so here is a quick (6 min) update for you.  In summary: There will be five new episodes coming out soon which will wrap up season 5 of Saltgrass and then we will get stuck into season 6.  Also, Saltgrass wonContinue reading “Update: April 2024”

S5 E19 BONUS: Connecting Country complete recording of live event

Following the last episode about Connecting Country, this Bonus episode shares the full audio of the event ‘Revegetation Success in a Changing Climate’. The guest speakers explore the unprecedented nature of climate change and its impact on existing ecosystems makes the task of revegetation and habitat protection complex and unpredictable. Various strategies are being tried,Continue reading “S5 E19 BONUS: Connecting Country complete recording of live event”

S5 E18 Connecting Country

Connecting Country is a not for profit organisation which works closely with landcare groups and others in restoring neglected and damaged ecosystems. Hadley Cole and Bonnie Humphries from Connecting Country join Allie to discuss how landcare groups contribute to various restoration efforts, and how the unprecedented nature of climate change and its impact on existingContinue reading “S5 E18 Connecting Country”

S5 E17 Village Dreaming

Today we are going to Village Dreaming Farm and Orto cooking school. Mara and Ralf live on about 15 acres just outside of Daylesford – about a 30min drive south of where I am in Castlemaine. They have been there since 2015 and in that time have transformed the empty paddocks of former grazing landContinue reading “S5 E17 Village Dreaming”

S5 E16 Compost?! Yes, in my backyard!

Are you good at composting? I certainly haven’t been in the past. But with the help of a community composting group called YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) I have become a kitchen scrap saviour, a leaf collecting ninja and I make steaming hot compost. In today’s episode I talk to Lucy Young, Joel Meadows,Continue reading “S5 E16 Compost?! Yes, in my backyard!”

S5 E15 Salad with Soul

Recent episodes have been looking at the farmers out at the Harcourt Organic Farming Cooperative. We’ve been out there to explore how farming and agriculture might be done in a way that is earth, biodiversity and humanity friendly. Each and every one of the farmers talked about how important the support of the local communityContinue reading “S5 E15 Salad with Soul”

S5 E14 Love and Garlic – Gung Hoe Growers

It has been almost a decade of effort and love and garlic from Gung Hoe Growers – supplying our local community through the local farmers market, selling to cafes and restaurants and providing boxes of veg to seasonal and annual subscribers. Many have felt sadness on hearing that Gung Hoe will not be renewing theirContinue reading “S5 E14 Love and Garlic – Gung Hoe Growers”