S5 E22 The Housing Crisis – Creative Solutions

This is the final episode of the three about the housing crisis and what my local community is doing about it. In this episode we hear about some of the creative solutions including community groups building housing specific for their needs, Council utilising existing sites to build affordable housing, adjusting council laws to allow moreContinue reading “S5 E22 The Housing Crisis – Creative Solutions”

S5 E21 The Housing Crisis – Building Together

In this second episode about housing we hear from Andrea and Jen; two RMIT University researchers who have been looking at how people can build housing together to save money and get more of what they want out of their homes through a process called deliberative development. We also hear about three different deliberative developmentContinue reading “S5 E21 The Housing Crisis – Building Together”

S5 E20 The Housing Crisis – What’s the Problem?

How is the housing crisis linked to sustainability? In the next three episodes we will explore how housing is a key climate issue and we’ll look at how the housing crisis is impacting where I live, in regional Victoria. In this episode we will look at how the land lies, what is the problem? InContinue reading “S5 E20 The Housing Crisis – What’s the Problem?”